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[USA 2020, 2']

Un’introduzione narrata richiesta da un festival cinematografico per accompagnare un video sperimentale che riflette sulla pandemia, originariamente creato per una mostra internazionale dall’organizzazione artistica Instinc di Singapore.

La pandemia di Covid19 ha creato molto tempo per l’introspezione, la contemplazione, la deliberazione. Questo cortometraggio documentario alternativo include una miscela di immagini, animazione, film, con narrazione in composizione poetica, contemplando il passato, il presente, il futuro.

[Il Regista]
Michael Amter
Michael Amter began serious artistic study at Washington University SOA in the late 80’s. A truly diverse background, the artist has exhibited extensively throughout the globe, beginning professionally with the iconic 01 Gallery in LA, CA, during the 90’s. He developed a unique personal interpretation in experimental video after years of extensive work in film-tv production while based Brooklyn, NY. Michael’s history includes a variety of entities; such as 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Apexart, Cité Internationale des Arts, Creative Time, Gallery Aferro, Instinc, Meridian International, Studio Kura, etc.
Notable moments; a submission request by former director David Ross to the Whitney Biennial in the 90’s, a piece created for a 9-11 memorial exhibition inducted to the US Library of Congress, and memorable visits with the Pore Pore special needs art class in Tokyo. Samples of the artist’s drawings can be found at the Pierogi Gallery of NYC.